Improve performance and reduce process costs
In many companies, there is great potential to increase efficiency by optimizing your procurement and supply chain processes. Increased efficiency, cost savings and quality improvements can all be achieved by optimizing existing processes and integrating new processes. We support our clients with efficiency improvement programmes, restructuring or post-merger situations.
How do we proceed in process optimization?
Firstly, we work with you to analyse the existing procedural landscape, examining your processes along the entire value chain and check them for efficiency, benefit and comprehensiveness. From sales planning and strategic procurement processes to production and logistics planning, we compare your processes with our best practice solutions, supported by the INVERTO e-map benchmark tool. This structures problem areas and creates transparency, not only to identify vulnerabilities, but also to resolve them.
After existing vulnerabilities and potential have been identified, we support you in the further development and harmonisation of your procedural landscape. The goal here is to systematically and logically interlink your primary and sub-processes, placing particular emphasis on considering your individual company and procurement situation. We always use our many years of experience and best practice solutions as a mere starting point, developing customised solutions for your problem.
During the implementation phase, we create customised process manuals and documentation, such as procurement manuals, describing extensively optimized processes, their interfaces and routes. Our manuals also contain clearly defined roles for those involved, differentiating between tasks and authorities. In addition to manuals, you can also document procedures using process flow charts or instructions.
In practice, we often observe that interfaces with other disciplines, departments and external partners such as suppliers are playing an increasingly important role. This often means that implementing new processes is complex and time-consuming until new workflows work properly and smoothly, so we use a variety of tools to practice processes. In addition to training on the job in day-to-day business with a specialized INVERTO coach, process simulations are a good tool for running through new patterns in your team. We advise you on which form of implementation is the most suitable for your company and tailor training to your needs.
The results of Process Optimization
- Comprehensively increased efficiency
- Sustainably reduced process costs
- Increased compliance
- Targeted minimisation of risks