
Navigare nella crisi della fornitura di cavi elettrici: un qua...

Navigare nella crisi della fornitura di cavi elettrici: un qua...

Le società di servizi elettrici si trovano ad affrontare una carenza critica di fornitura di cavi, dovuta all'aumento della domanda e alla limitatezza dell'offerta.

Avanti tutta: strategie di approvvigionamento per l’acci...

Avanti tutta: strategie di approvvigionamento per l’acci...

Che cosa sarà essenziale per gli operatori del settore per beneficiare della transizione, garantire la fornitura e guidare la decarbonizzazione Scope 3 nelle loro catene di approvvigionamento?

Magazine 05: Sustainable Packaging Study

Magazine 05: Sustainable Packaging Study

Sustainable Packaging Study 2020: Decisive competitive advantage through sustainable packaging

Six Steps to Keep Ahead of the Inflation & Supply Chain C...

Six Steps to Keep Ahead of the Inflation & Supply Chain C...

The golden quarter was somewhat tarnished last year, with high street chains and consumer goods producers hit by a perfect storm of longer lead times, inflationary and demand-linked cost increases, and sustained disruption to labour across the globe.

Interview: Berthold Kraus about procurement transformation

Interview: Berthold Kraus about procurement transformation

Berthold Kraus, Chief Procurement Officer at Syntegon, talks in an interview about success factors in the transformation of procurement.

Interview A.P. Moller Maersk on sustainability in logistics

Interview A.P. Moller Maersk on sustainability in logistics

Manish Bhasin, Global Head of Sustainable Procurement at A.P. Moller Maersk and responsible for their global sustainable procurement strategy.

White Paper: Shaping the future of raw material management

White Paper: Shaping the future of raw material management

Download our latest raw materials White Paper for free.

Magazine 07: Private Equity Study

Magazine 07: Private Equity Study

A closer look reveals that not all potential is being exploited in procurement.

Private Equity White Paper 2021

Private Equity White Paper 2021

Best-in-class portfolio companies: Exploiting value creation potential in and after the pandemic