Pubblicazioni: Materie prime

Per costruire un sistema di acquisti di materie prime completo e sostenibile, dividiamo la gestione delle materie prime in diverse sottoaree. Grazie alla nostra pluriennale esperienza di consulenza negli acquisti di materie prime, abbiamo identificato i fattori chiave di successo che consentono ai nostri clienti di posizionarsi in modo ottimale, anche nelle attuali condizioni difficili.

Matières premières critiques, comment l’Union Européenne veut...
Materie prime

Matières premières critiques, comment l’Union Européenne veut...

To achieve energy transition, the EU has launched a comprehensive package of legislation to ensure that companies succeed in the transformation to a climate-neutral economy.

Magazine 06: Raw Material Study
Materie prime

Magazine 06: Raw Material Study

The latest commodity study is marked by uncertainties in 2019: Economic situation & trade conflicts cause scepticism

Managing Raw Materials in Uncertain Times
Materie prime

Managing Raw Materials in Uncertain Times

Raw Materials Study 2019 - Study results and recommendations for managing raw materials in uncertain times

Magazine 05: Raw Material Study
Materie prime

Magazine 05: Raw Material Study

Professional raw materials management: strategically manage raw materials & optimise costs

Raw Materials Study 2020 with Handelsblatt
Materie prime

Raw Materials Study 2020 with Handelsblatt

Complete study results of the INVERTO Raw Materials Study 2020 and recommendations for action

The Future of Procurement: Procurement Transformation
Materie prime

The Future of Procurement: Procurement Transformation

The competence of the procurement department required for the creation and implementation of innovation.

Results of the raw materials study 2021
Materie prime

Results of the raw materials study 2021

We examined raw materials management in companies in our survey in cooperation with trade journal Handelsblatt.

Rapid Price Rises & Supply Shortages of Raw Materials
Materie prime

Rapid Price Rises & Supply Shortages of Raw Materials

One of Europe’s most in-depth Raw Materials studies has found nine out of ten companies are reporting limited availability of raw materials.

Raw Material Studies: Price increases and shortage of materials
Materie prime

Raw Material Studies: Price increases and shortage of materials

With the help of intelligent tools, companies can arm themselves against turbulence.

Whiteaper: Raw Material Management during the pandemic
Materie prime

Whiteaper: Raw Material Management during the pandemic

In our White Paper, we show how you can best master the crisis.