Our tenth raw materials study is dominated by the uncertainties of 2019: the gloomy economic situation and smouldering trade conflicts are causing scepticism among the companies surveyed. The difference to the previous year, when the boom demanded all our strength, could not be greater.


While last year almost 60 percent of the participants in the study feared that they would not be able to procure the raw materials they needed, this year only just under 30 percent are concerned about availability – so the number has halved. In contrast, the number of those who fear declining sales has doubled. For further details, please see the detailed article on the raw materials study in our current magazine issue.

About the study:

For this year’s Raw Materials Study, INVERTO interviewed 87 managing directors, board members and decision makers in procurement. The respondents come from the retail, mechanical and plant engineering, chemical and process industries. A white paper with the detailed study results and recommendations for action can be found here.

Get in contact with our expert

Sebastian Wellmann

Associate Director

sebastian.wellmann@inverto.com Contatto