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Supply Chain Act Whitepaper

Supply Chain Act Whitepaper

Companies are required under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to determine the extent to which their business activities may lead to human rights violations and environmental pollution. With the introduction of...

Supply Chain Act Whitepaper

Supply Chain Act Whitepaper

Am 1. Januar 2023 tritt das neue Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) in Kraft. Laden Sie das Whitepaper kostenlos herunter.

Lieferkettengesetz (LkSG) Whitepaper

Lieferkettengesetz (LkSG) Whitepaper

Am 1. Januar 2023 tritt das neue Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) in Kraft. Laden Sie das Whitepaper kostenlos herunter.

Sustainable Procurement aktiv vorantreiben

Sustainable Procurement aktiv vorantreiben