Results of the Risk Management Study 2021

At the end of last year, more than 65 decision-makers in procurement shared their opinion and approaches to the topic of risk management in procurement with us.
The result: Although risks are being managed much more systematically and digitally than in the previous year, there is still potential for optimization in terms of professional methods and digital tools to be able to act more quickly.

  • How have companies set-up their risk management?
  • Which risks currently have the highest priority in procurement organizations?
  • What measures are companies taking, especially in procurement, to counter the risks?


Detailed contents of the results presentation « Risk Prevention in Procurement »

1. Management Summary

2. Study design & participants

3. Study results 

  • The most significant business risks at present and the risks prioritised by procurement
  • The relevance of the planned supply chain law
  • Preferred risk management measures

4. Recommendations for action

Request the complete results presentation for free in a digital format now:

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Sebastian Wellmann

Associate Director Contact